Thursday, April 12, 2012


which is the best method to get to Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre when getting off Eurostar train . What should I look out for when using taxi%26#39;s in brussels


Take the metro direction Simonis to Place Rogier - 9 stops. The hotel is there. Tix are 1.50 eur for one journey and very cheap for 24 and 48 hour tix. You buy them at the machine which takes notes or coins or at the tix office downstairs in the metro hall. Machines are in English


If you don%26#39;t have (much) luggage it is more direct to take a tram as there are then only 5 stops to Rogier instead of 9 on the metro. As you will have to go down to the metro level to buy a ticket (you can buy them on the tram but then they cost €2 instead of €1.50) you may as well take one of the underground ones e.g. no. 3 (3 trams in this direction leave from the metro station, 3 from %26quot;rue couverte%26quot; at ground level). Trams on this line, which are still largely the old type with narrow doors and 3 steps up (although I just read that the oldest type is to be retired after Easter), are shown on the metro map, see

When you get to Rogier, look for an exit (green signs) to Place Rogier and when you come out, look for the Sheraton. The Thon Hotel is in the same building, if you are looking at the entrance to the Sheraton then go around its left-hand side and you will arrive at the entrance to the Thon Hotel.

There is nothing particular to look out for when using taxis in Brussels. They may refuse to take you for very short distances but that would not be a problem between the Gare du Midi and Rogier.


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