Friday, March 23, 2012

Madeline McCann abducted in Portugal

Today is Madeline McCanns 4th birthday. This little girl won%26#39;t even know that. However her parents do and are suffering unimaginable pain. Today I am asking fellow TripAdvisors forumers to, if they will be travelling abroad, print off some posters of Madeline and post them wherever you will be travelling to anywhere in the world.

I pray for the safe return of Madeline and although this is only a small gesture, maybe someone somewhere may have seen her.

Please help.

Thank You



Hi Phil,

Good idea, I will make sure myself, family friends do this. Anything we can do to help them is fine.



Thank You Sandy, family and friends, for showing your deepest concern for young Madeline, and also concern for her parents whose anguish must be inmeasurable.

If we can get word to to others then we may, and I pray that we may, just be able to spot her somewhere in Europe which could lead to the safe return of Madeline to her parents.

I sincerely pray for her safe return.


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