I recently spent 4 nights in Brugges - I could have spent 4 months! - and discovered the best coffee I%26#39;ve tasted for a long time. Javana coffee is sold at the Javana shop in Steenstraat. I did buy one packet and now wish I%26#39;d bought 10!
I%26#39;ve searched in vain on the internet for a source a bit closer to home (Australia) but to no avail.
I%26#39;ve phoned Javana in Brugge to ask about buying from them and having it posted to Oz - still working on that -
Meanwhile - does anyone know where I can buy Javana coffee other than in Belgium and Holland?
thanks in advance
The thing is, you are in the Belgium forum, but you are asking about availability of a Belgian product OUTSIDE Belgium!! Now, if I was looking for a Vegemite distributor in Europe, why would I ask in a travel forum aimed at people who want to travel TO Australia, where it is naturally available? In any case, if Javana themselves say they have no distributors outside Belgium and the Netherlands (which must have been your first question to them before asking about mail order), then I can%26#39;t see how anyone could possibly contradict them.
Just to explain why you are unlikely to get any useful reply here... !
Must be damn good coffee if it%26#39;s worth phoning from Australia.
I should try it myself ... :-))
This coffee is for sale in the US, at least that%26#39;s what I found after a very short google search (which is also a possibility to find out things ...).
Well hello to you all - and thanks for your replies.
Before I posted on this forum I did google and have already contacted the whatever shop it is in the US that says that Javana is the Trade Winds home blend or something similar - and have received the automated reply from Consumer Affairs.....still awaiting the actual reply (however USA is still about the same distance from Australia as Europe! :)
Yes, it is dammed good coffee, so if you get the chance, don%26#39;t pass it up!
I%26#39;m about to make another phone call to Brugge - couldn%26#39;t speak to the manager last night so have an %26quot;appointment%26quot; tonight.
I%26#39;m gonna enjoy this coffee when I finally get some!!
Just spoke with Sylvee in Brugge - sh%26#39;e going to cost the postage and let me know.....I think I%26#39;ll go and put the kettle on... (after I take out a bank loan for the postage!) :)
Hi Stur,
I%26#39;ve googled a bit also, and I don%26#39;t think the JaVaNa coffee sold in the Giant stores in the US (a trademark of Ahold) is the same as the one in Bruges : not the same label, different spelling, and also JaVaNa is supposed to be a fair trade coffee; in the website of Javana Bruges there is no talk about fair trade; furthermore, I think Javana in Bruges is to small to supply Ahold with enough coffee for all it%26#39;s supermarkets worldwide ...
On the other hand, maybe the 2 brands are made from the same beans and tasts the same ?
BTW stur, official postage for a packet from Belgium to Australia (not insured) up to 5 kg = 52 Euro = about 87 Aus$ ... take out your loan !
Hm ... this must be da**ed good coffee if you want to pay postage from Belgium to Oz! The next time I go to Brugge I%26#39;ll buy myself a pack. You made me curious, Stur!
You can save some money if you order some more... the max. allowed weight of a package is 30 kg. That is a lot of coffee...
In that case you only pay 208 Euro = ca. 350 AUD. (no joking...)
g%26#39;day again - I%26#39;m trying to imagine where I%26#39;ll store 30 kg of coffee! :)
(BTW - re enquiring on this forum.....I thought...now, where can I get in touch with people that may have drank this coffee and remembered it, but live in places other than Brugge and may have seen it locally? )
ah well - maybe the postage will be reasonable for 1 kg - I%26#39;m an optimist!
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